Family Caryophylliidae Gray 1847 (stony coral)

Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Caryophylliidae

Parent taxon: Caryophylliicae according to J. W. Wells 1956

See also Squires 1984 and Squires 1988

Sister taxa: none

Subtaxa: Annoticyathus Anomocora Antillocyathus Asterosmilia Aulocyathus Axocyathus Bourneotrochus Caryophylliinae Caryosmilia Ceratotrochus Citharocyathus Coelosmilia Coenocyathus Conotrochus Crispatotrochus Cyathoceras Dasmosmilia Deltocyathus Desmophyllinae Discoidocyathus Eusmiliinae Goniocorella Helloceras Heterocyathus Kraterostrobilos Lophelia Odontocyathoides Oxysmilia Paracyathus Parasmiliinae Parasmilinae Placocyathus Polycyathus Solenosmilia Thecocyathinae Trochocyathus Turbinoliinae Vaughanella Vielicyathus

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Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal microcarnivore


• Quaternary of Argentina (7 collections), Costa Rica (18), Egypt (1), Fiji (1), Greece (12), India (1), Indonesia (2), Ireland (2), Italy (3), Japan (8), Kenya (2), Maldives (2), New Zealand (1), North Atlantic (2), Panama (1), Taiwan (2), United States (7: Alaska, California, Florida), Vanuatu (2)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Costa Rica (1), Indonesia (6), Jamaica (1), the Philippines (1), Taiwan (1)

• Pliocene of the Bahamas (4), Costa Rica (4), the Dominican Republic (17), Holy See (Vatican City State) (1), Indonesia (13), Italy (4), Jamaica (2), Japan (2), Mexico (1), the Netherlands Antilles (5), New Zealand (3), Panama (13), Taiwan (2), United States (9: California, Florida, South Carolina)

• Miocene to Pliocene of the Dominican Republic (13), Indonesia (2), Jamaica (1), New Zealand (1)

• Miocene of Algeria (1), Angola (1), Australia (10), Austria (1), Belgium (1), Brazil (6), Colombia (4), the Czech Republic (1), the Dominican Republic (27), France (19), Germany (14), Grenada (9), Haiti (1), India (1), Indonesia (14), Iran (2), Ireland (2), Italy (7), Japan (1), Malaysia (1), Mexico (5), Moldova (1), Morocco (4), the Netherlands (4), New Zealand (26), Pakistan (1), Panama (10), Poland (8), Portugal (3), Puerto Rico (2), Romania (2), Slovakia (2), Somalia (1), South Africa (1), Spain (2), Trinidad and Tobago (1)

• Waitakian of New Zealand (3)

• Oligocene to Miocene of Australia (1), United States (1: Florida)

• Oligocene of Australia (4), France (4), Germany (3), Greece (1), Hungary (10), Iran (2), Italy (1), Myanmar (1), the Netherlands (4), New Zealand (6), Slovenia (1), Somalia (1), United States (11: Georgia, Oregon, Washington), Venezuela (1)

• Whaingaroan of New Zealand (1)

• Eocene of Antarctica (2), Australia (4), Austria (2), Barbados (1), Cote D'Ivoire (4), France (4), Hungary (6), Indonesia (2), Italy (3), Mexico (5), the Netherlands (2), New Zealand (7), North Atlantic (1), Pakistan (3), Peru (2), Poland (1), Saudi Arabia (1), Slovenia (1), Spain (7), Tonga (1), Ukraine (2), the United Kingdom (4), United States (99: Alabama, California, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Washington)

• Paleocene to Eocene of Australia (1)

• Paleocene of Antarctica (2), Austria (5), Azerbaijan (2), Belgium (1), Denmark (6), Egypt (4), France (1), Greenland (7), Iran (4), Kazakhstan (1), the Netherlands (1), Nigeria (1), Pakistan (2), Poland (2), the Russian Federation (2), Somalia (1), Sweden (1), Turkmenistan (2), Ukraine (3), the United Kingdom (1), United States (49: Alabama, California, New Jersey, Texas, Virginia)

• Cretaceous of Antarctica (1), Australia (3), Austria (2), Azerbaijan (2), Bulgaria (2), China (11), Cuba (1), the Czech Republic (11), Denmark (1), Egypt (3), France (11), Germany (14), Greece (5), Greenland (3), India (3), Iran (1), Jamaica (3), Japan (1), Kazakhstan (12), Libya (5), Madagascar (10), Mexico (1), the Netherlands (3), New Zealand (4), Oman (2), Poland (3), the Russian Federation (8), Senegal (1), Serbia and Montenegro (3), Slovakia (1), Slovenia (1), South Africa (1), Spain (5), Sweden (1), Switzerland (5), Turkmenistan (4), Ukraine (19), the United Kingdom (2), United States (79: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Wyoming)

• Jurassic of the Czech Republic (1), France (3), Germany (7), Hungary (6), India (2), Madagascar (1), Poland (2), Portugal (2), Saudi Arabia (3), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Spain (9), Switzerland (7), Tunisia (2), the United Kingdom (11)

• Triassic of Italy (1)

Total: 1002 collections including 1770 occurrences

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