†family Loganelliidae Karatajute-Talimaa 1997

Agnatha - Loganelliformes - Loganelliidae

Alternative spelling: Loganellidae

Synonym: Loganiidae Karatajute-Talimaa 1978 [replaced name]

Parent taxon: Loganelliformes according to T. Märss and C. G. Miller 2004

See also Aldridge et al. 1996, Karatajute-Talima and Marss 2002 and Marss and Karatajute-Talimaa 2002

Sister taxa: none

Subtaxa: Angaralepis Loganellia Paralogania Sandivia Shielia Stroinolepis Valyalepis

View classification

Type: Loganellia


• Devonian of the United Kingdom (1 collection)

• Silurian of Canada (2: Northwest Territories), Estonia (5), Ireland (1), Norway (1), the Russian Federation (9), Sweden (5), the United Kingdom (33)

• Ordovician of the Russian Federation (5)

Total: 62 collections including 91 occurrences

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