Synonym: Archaeaspis Ivantsov 2001 [replaced name]
Full reference: A. Y. Ivantsov. 2007. Small Vendian Transversely Articulated Fossils. Paleontological Journal 41(2):113-122
Parent taxon: Cephalozoa according to A. Ivantsov et al. 2019
See also Fedonkin et al. 2007, Ivantsov 2001 and Ivantsov 2007
Sister taxa: Andiva, Cephalonega, Cyanorus, Ivovicia, Lossinia, Marywadea, Ovatoscutum, Podolimirus, Praecambridium, Spriggina, Tamga, Yorgia
Subtaxa: Archaeaspinus fedonkini Archaeaspis fedonkini
Type: Archaeaspis fedonkini
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal osmotroph
• Vendian of the Russian Federation (1 collection)
• Ediacaran of Australia (1), the Russian Federation (1)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence
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