Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Dactylioceratidae
Synonym: Aveyroniceras
Full reference: L. F. Spath. 1936. The Ammonites of the Green Ammonite Beds of Dorset. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 92:438-455
Parent taxon: Dactylioceratinae according to M. K. Howarth 2013
See also Géczy and Meister 1998, Hillebrandt 2006, Sepkoski 2002, Smith and Tipper 1996 and Thomson and Smith 1992
Sister taxa: Catacoeloceras, Collina, Dactylioceras, Nodicoeloceras, Peronoceras, Porpoceras, Septimaniceras, Zugodactylites
Subtaxa: Aveyroniceras ausonicum Aveyroniceras danielae Aveyroniceras medolense Reynesoceras americanum Reynesoceras mortilleti Reynesoceras ragazzoni Reynesoceras subanguinum
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
• Jurassic of Algeria (1 collection), Austria (1), Canada (29: British Columbia), Chile (1), Hungary (5), Italy (17), Mexico (1), Morocco (9), Tunisia (1), United States (3: Nevada)
Total: 68 collections including 84 occurrences
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