Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Dactylioceratidae
Alternative combinations: Ammonites ragazzonii, Reynesoceras ragazzonii
Synonyms: Ammonites acanthoides Reynes 1868, Coeloceras tournadousense Monestier 1934, Reynesoceras acanthoides Reynes 1868
Belongs to Reynesoceras according to C. Meister et al. 2011
See also Fantini Sestini 1975, Géczy and Meister 1998, Meister 1989, Smith and Tipper 1996 and Spath 1936
Sister taxa: Reynesoceras americanum, Reynesoceras mortilleti, Reynesoceras subanguinum, Aveyroniceras medolense, Aveyroniceras danielae, Aveyroniceras ausonicum
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
Average measurements (in mm): diameter 23.6, shell diameter 31.0
• Jurassic of Canada (2: British Columbia collections), Hungary (2), Italy (12), Morocco (5)
Total: 21 collections each including a single occurrence
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