Prothyris (Prothyris) acuticarinata Busanus and Hoare 1991 (clam)

Bivalvia - Cardiidia - Grammysiidae

Full reference: J. W. Busanus and R. D. Hoare. 1991. Bivalves (Mollusca) from the Mauch Chunk Group (Mississippian, Chesterian) of northern West Virginia and southwestern Pennsylvania. Journal of Paleontology 65(3):465-480

Belongs to Prothyris (Prothyris) according to J. W. Busanus and R. D. Hoare 1991

Sister taxa: Prothyris (Amphikoilum), Prothyris (Lophoprothyris), Prothyris (Prothyris) cilindricus, Prothyris contorta, Prothyris elongatus, Prothyris meeki, Prothyris recta, Prothyris soleniformis, Prothyris stubblefieldi

Type specimen: USNM 452317, a shell (right valve). Its type locality is Interbedded shales & limestones, Reynolds Limestone, Greer Limestone Co. quarry, which is in a Chesterian marine shale/limestone in the Reynolds Limestone Formation of West Virginia.

Ecology: facultatively mobile infaunal suspension feeder


• Carboniferous of United States (3: West Virginia collections)

Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence

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