Prothyris Meek 1871

Bivalvia - Cardiidia - Grammysiidae

Alternative spellings: Prothyris (Prothyris), Solen (Prothyris)

Full reference: F. B. Meek. 1871. A preliminary list of fossils collected by Dr. Hayden in Colorado, New Mexico, and California, with brief descriptions of a few of the new species. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 11:425-431

Parent taxon: Grammysiinae according to D. M. C. Machado et al. 2021

See also Elias 1957, Hoare et al. 1989, Meek 1871 and Sepkoski 2002

Sister taxa: Cardiomorpha, Grammysioidea, Paraprothyris, Sedgwickia

Subtaxa: Prothyris (Amphikoilum) Prothyris (Lophoprothyris) Prothyris (Prothyris) acuticarinata Prothyris (Prothyris) cilindricus Prothyris contorta Prothyris elongatus Prothyris meeki Prothyris recta Prothyris soleniformis Prothyris stubblefieldi

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• Permian of the Russian Federation (3 collections)

• Carboniferous to Permian of the Russian Federation (1)

• Carboniferous of the United Kingdom (1), United States (12: Arkansas, California, Kentucky, Maryland, Oklahoma, Virginia, West Virginia)

• Devonian of Antarctica (1), France (1), New Zealand (1), the United Kingdom (4), United States (10: Florida, New York)

Total: 34 collections including 38 occurrences

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