Ophiuricoma Valette 1929 (brittle star)

Ophiuroidea - Ophiurida

Alternative spelling: Ophiuriocoma

Full reference: A. Valette. 1929. Note sur quelques stellerides jurassiques du laboratoire de géologie de la faculté des sciences de Lyon. Travaux du Laboratoire de Géologique de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon 16(13):1-62

Parent taxon: Ophiurida according to W. K. Spencer and C. W. Wright 1966

See also Sepkoski 2002 and Valette 1929

Sister taxa: Acroura, Chilophiurina, Chilophiurina, Dolicharthra, Gnathophiurina, Laemophiurina, Ophioderma asteriformis, Ophioderma bonnardi, Ophiolepidina, Ophiolepis damesi, Ophiolepis estarensis, Ophiomusina, Ophiomyxina, Ophiurina, Ophiurites rhaeticus, Plathyarthra

Subtaxa: Ophiuricoma mazenoti

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Type: Ophiuricoma mazenoti

Ecology: slow-moving low-level epifaunal detritivore-suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Ophiuroidea, Aalenian, La Chapelle-sous-Brancion, Saône-et-Loire, France (Jurassic of France)

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