Alternative spelling: Ophiureae
Full reference: J. Müller and F.H. Troschel. 1840. Über die Gattungen der Ophiuren. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, Berlin 6:327-330
Parent taxon: Euryophiurida according to T. D. O'Hara et al. 2018
See also Chen et al. 2004, Clark 1904, Fell 1960, Glass and Poschmann 2006, Haude and Thomas 1983, Hess and Meyer 2008, Jagt 2000, Jell 1997, Krainer and Mostler 1997, Lehmann 1957, Mostler and Krainer 1993, O'Hara et al. 2017, Owen 1965, Radwanski 2002, Sepkoski 2002, Skwarko 1963, Smith et al. 1995, Spencer and Wright 1966 and Storc and Zitt 2008
Sister taxon: Euryalida
Subtaxa: Acroura Chilophiurina Chilophiurina Dolicharthra Gnathophiurina Laemophiurina Ophioderma asteriformis Ophioderma bonnardi Ophiolepidina Ophiolepis damesi Ophiolepis estarensis Ophiomusina Ophiomyxina Ophiuricoma Ophiurina Ophiurites rhaeticus Plathyarthra
Ecology: slow-moving low-level epifaunal detritivore-suspension feeder