Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Caryophylliidae
Full reference: T. W. Vaughan and J. E. Hoffmeister. 1925. New species of fossil corals from the Dominican Republic. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 67(8):315-326
Belongs to Asterosmilia according to Vaughan 1925
Sister taxa: Asterosmilia abnormalis, Asterosmilia aliquantula, Asterosmilia alloiteaui, Asterosmilia duncani, Asterosmilia exarata, Asterosmilia hilli, Asterosmilia irregularis, Asterosmilia profunda
Type specimen: Its type locality is Gabb collection, which is in a Miocene marine horizon in the Dominican Republic
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal microcarnivore
• Miocene of Brazil (2 collections), the Dominican Republic (1)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence
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