Bivalvia - Pectinida - Pseudomonotidae
Alternative spelling: Pseudomonotis (Prospondylus)
Full reference: E. H. Zimmerman. 1886. Ein neuer Monomyarier aus dem ostthüringischen Zechstein (Prospondylus liebeanus). Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakadamie zu Berlin for 1885:105-119
Parent taxon: Pseudomonotidae according to A. Márquez-Aliaga et al. 2005
See also Bouchet et al. 2010, Reed 1944, Sepkoski 2002 and Waller and Stanley 2005
Sister taxa: Eumicrotis, Pseudomonotinae, Pseudomonotis
Subtaxa: Prospondylus acinetus Prospondylus chintongia Prospondylus crassus Prospondylus liebeanus Prospondylus palliatus Prospondylus shakhtauensis Prospondylus zimmermanni Pseudomonotis (Prospondylus) squamosa
Type: Prospondylus liebeanus
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Cretaceous of France (1 collection)
• Triassic of Germany (1), Hungary (3), Indonesia (2), Italy (4), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (2), Slovakia (2)
• Permian of Germany (1), Malaysia (2), Nepal (1), the Russian Federation (6), United States (35: Texas)
Total: 61 collections including 64 occurrences
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