Reptilia - Ornithischia - Ceratopsidae
Invalid subtaxa: Diceratops Hatcher and Lull 1905 [replaced name], Diceratus Mateus 2008, Nedoceratops Ukrainsky 2007, Ojoceratops Sullivan and Lucas 2010, Sterrholophus Marsh 1891, Tatankaceratops Ott and Larson 2010
Full reference: O. C. Marsh. 1889. Notice of gigantic horned Dinosauria from the Cretaceous. American Journal of Science 38:173-175
Parent taxon: Triceratopsini according to N. R. Longrich 2014
See also Baur 1891, Breithaupt 1985, Brown 1914, Brown 1914, Carroll 1988, Chakravarti 1934, Charig 1967, Clemens 1986, Depéret 1896, Derstler 1994, Diem and Archibald 2005, Dodson 1997, Dodson 1997, Dodson and Currie 1990, Dodson et al. 2004, Eberth 1997, Estes 1964, Farke 2004, Farke 2011, Fiorillo and Tykoski 2012, Forster 1996, Gadow 1897, Gadow 1898, Gadow 1901, Gregory and Mook 1925, Hatcher and Lull 1905, Hatcher et al. 1907, Hay 1902, Hay 1930, Huene 1909, Huene 1927, Huene 1950, Hunt and Lehman 2008, Jasinski 2015, Jasinski et al. 2011, Joleaud 1922, Kuhn 1964, Lambe 1899, Lambe 1905, Lambe 1915, Lehman 1981, Lehman 1990, Lehman 1996, Longrich 2010, Longrich and Field 2012, Lull 1906, Lull 1924, Lull 1933, Lydekker 1893, Madsen and Miller 1979, Maidment and Barrett 2011, Makovicky 2001, Mansel-Pleydell 1902, Marsh 1889, Marsh 1890, Marsh 1891, Marsh 1891, Marsh 1895, Marsh 1896, Mateus 2008, Matthew 1915, McGinnis 1982, McIntosh 1981, Nopcsa 1901, Nopcsa 1928, Olshevsky and Ford 1994, Ostrom 1965, Ostrom and Wellnhofer 1986, Ott and Larson 2010, Parsch 1963, Romer 1956, Romer 1966, Russell 1930, Russell 1984, Ryan 2007, Ryan et al. 2010, Scannella and Horner 2010, Scannella and Horner 2011, Seeley 1892, Sereno 1998, Sternberg 1949, Sullivan and Lucas 2010, Swinton 1970, Tatarinov 1964, Tokaryk 1986, Tornier 1913, Ukrainsky 2007, Vickaryous and Ryan 1997, von Zittel 1911, Winkler 1893, Wu et al. 2007, Xu et al. 2010, You and Dodson 2003 and Zittel 1890
Sister taxa: Eotriceratops, Regaliceratops, Titanoceratops, Torosaurus
Subtaxa: Ojoceratops fowleri Tatankaceratops sacrisonorum Triceratops horridus Triceratops prorsus Triceratops sulcatus
Type: Ceratops horridus
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
• Cretaceous of Canada (15: Alberta, Saskatchewan collections), United States (146: Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming)
Total: 161 collections including 166 occurrences
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