†family Ceratopsidae Marsh 1888 (ceratopsid)

Reptilia - Ornithischia - Ceratopsidae

Alternative spelling: Ceratopidae

Synonym: Agathaumidae Cope 1889

Full reference: O. C. Marsh. 1888. A new family of horned Dinosauria, from the Cretaceous. The American Journal of Science, series 3 36:477-478

Parent taxon: Ceratopsia according to M.A. Loewen et al. 2024

See also Bakker 1986, Baur 1891, Brown and Henderson 2015, Carroll 1988, Charig 1967, Chinnery 2004, Chinnery and Horner 2007, Chinnery et al. 1998, Chinnery and Weishampel 1998, Cooper 1985, Cope 1889, Cope 1889, Cope 1891, Cope 1898, Dalman et al. 2018, Depéret 1896, Dodson 1990, Dodson 1997, Dodson and Currie 1990, Estes 1964, Farke et al. 2014, Forster et al. 1993, Fowler and Freedman Fowler 2020, Gilmore 1919, Gregory and Mook 1925, Hatcher et al. 1907, Hay 1902, Hay 1930, Huene 1909, Huene 1927, Huene 1929, Huene 1934, Huene 1934, Huene 1948, Huene 1950, Huene 1959, Jaekel 1911, Jaekel 1914, Joleaud 1922, Kuhn 1946, Kuhn 1964, Kuhn 1966, Lambe 1902, Lambe 1905, Lambe 1911, Lambert et al. 2001, Lapparent 1947, Lull 1906, Madsen and Miller 1979, Mansel-Pleydell 1902, Marsh 1888, Marsh 1890, Marsh 1895, Marsh 1896, Maryanska and Osmólska 1985, Matthew 1915, McGinnis 1982, McIntosh 1981, Morschhauser et al. 2019, Nessov 1995, Nopcsa 1901, Nopcsa 1923, Nopcsa 1923, Nopcsa 1923, Nopcsa 1928, Nopcsa 1929, Olshevsky and Ford 1994, Ostrom 1980, Ostrom and Wellnhofer 1986, Parks 1935, Parsch 1963, Peng et al. 2001, Penkalski and Dodson 1999, Rivera-Sylva et al. 2017, Romer 1966, Roxo 1937, Russell 1930, Russell 1984, Ryan 2007, Ryan and Evans 2005, Ryan et al. 2017, Sereno 1986, Sereno 1997, Sereno 1998, Sereno 1999, Sereno 2000, Sues and Galton 1982, Swinton 1970, Tanoue et al. 2009, Tatarinov 1964, Thulborn 1971, von Zittel 1911, Wilson et al. 2020, You and Dodson 2003, Zhao 1983 and Zheng et al. 2015

Sister taxa: Albalophosaurus, Chaoyangosauridae, Dysganus, Eoceratopsinae, Kulceratops, Kulceratops kulensis, Microceratus, Micropachycephalosaurus, Neoceratopsia, Notoceratops, Pachyrhinosauridae, Psittacosauridae, Psittacosauroidea, Psittacosaurus, Psittacosaurus sattayaraki, Serendipaceratops

Subtaxa: Agathaumas Bison alticornis Centrasaurinae Centrosaurinae Ceratopsinae Ceratopsipes Chasmosaurinae Monocloniinae Pachyrhinosaurinae Polyonax Triceratops galeus Triceratops ingens Triceratops maximus Ugrosaurus

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Type: Ceratops

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore

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