Aves - Sphenisciformes - Spheniscidae
Full reference: C. Acosta Hospitaleche, M. Chavez, and O. Fritis. 2006. Pingüinos fósiles (Pygoscelis calderensis sp. nov.) en la Formación Bahía Inglesa (Mioceno Medio-Plioceno), Chile. Revista geológica de Chile 33(2):327-338
Belongs to Pygoscelis according to C. Acosta Hospitaleche et al. 2006
See also Acosta Hospitaleche and Tambussi 2008
Sister taxa: Pygoscelis adeliae, Pygoscelis antarcticus, Pygoscelis grandis, Pygoscelis papua, Pygoscelis tyreei
Type specimen: SGO-PV 790, a partial skull. Its type locality is Los Dedos, Miocene, which is in a Miocene coastal sandstone/mudstone in the Bahía Inglesa Formation of Chile.
Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore
Distribution: found only at Los Dedos, Miocene
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