†family Locustopsidae Handlirsch 1906 (grasshopper)

Insecta - Orthoptera - Locustopsidae

Alternative spelling: Locustopseidae

Full reference: A. Handlirsch. 1906. Die Fossilen Insekten und die Phylogenie der Rezenten Formen, parts I-IV. Ein Handbuch fur Palaontologen und Zoologen 1-640

Parent taxon: Locustopsoidea according to A. V. Gorochov and R. A. Coram 2023

See also Ansorge 1991, Bode 1953, Gorochov et al. 2006, Handlirsch 1906, Martins-Neto 2003, Martynov 1937, Riek 1955, Sharov 1968, Smith et al. 2011, Tillyard 1922, Tillyard 1923, Whalley 1985 and Zeuner 1941

Sister taxa: Bouretidae, Locustavidae

Subtaxa: Araripelocustinae Conocephalella Cratolocustopsis Cratozeunerella Eolocustopsis Liadolocusta Locustopsinae Locustrix Parapleurites Phaneropterites Pseudoacrida Schwinzia Sinolocustopsis

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Type: Locustopsis

Ecology: fast-moving ground dwelling grazer-herbivore


• Oligocene of United States (2: Montana collections)

• Cretaceous of Brazil (6), China (4), Egypt (1), Kazakhstan (1), the United Kingdom (6)

• Jurassic of China (2), Germany (18), Kazakhstan (2), Kyrgyzstan (5), the Russian Federation (4), Switzerland (1), the United Kingdom (7), United States (1: Colorado)

• Triassic of the United Kingdom (2)

• Permian of South Africa (1)

Total: 63 collections including 117 occurrences

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