Lonchodomas chaziensis Shaw 1968 (trilobite)

Trilobita - Trinucleida - Raphiophoridae

Full reference: F.C. Shaw. 1968. Early Middle Ordovician (Chazy) trilobites of New York. New York State Museum and Science Service Memoir 17:1-163

Belongs to Lonchodomas according to F.C. Shaw 1968

Sister taxa: Lonchodomas (Foliopyge), Lonchodomas carinatus, Lonchodomas clavulus, Lonchodomas coagmentatum, Lonchodomas depressus, Lonchodomas halli, Lonchodomas normalis, Lonchodomas paenepennatus, Lonchodomas pennatus, Lonchodomas politus, Lonchodomas portlocki, Lonchodomas punctatus, Lonchodomas retrolatus, Lonchodomas rostratus, Lonchodomas sublaevis, Lonchodomas suriensis, Lonchodomas tenuis, Lonchodomas tumidus, Lonchodomas volborthi, Lonchodomas yohi

Type specimen: NYSM 12265, a cephalon/head (cranidium)

Ecology: fast-moving low-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Whiterockian of United States (10: New York collections)

• Chazyan of Canada (1: Quebec), United States (11: New York)

Total: 22 collections each including a single occurrence

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