Cephalopoda - Ceratitida - Gymnitidae
Full reference: G. Arthaber. 1915. Die Trias von Bithynien (Anatolien). Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients 27:85-206
Belongs to Gymnites according to N. Fantini Sestini 1988
See also Arthaber 1915 and Wang and Chen 1979
Sister taxa: Gymnites aghdarbandensis, Gymnites arthaberi, Gymnites asseretoi, Gymnites billingsi, Gymnites breunneri, Gymnites calli, Gymnites compressus, Gymnites depauperatus, Gymnites evolutus, Gymnites gibberulus, Gymnites humboldti, Gymnites incultus, Gymnites kirata, Gymnites machangpingensis, Gymnites mandiva, Gymnites obliquus, Gymnites palmai, Gymnites perplanus, Gymnites petilus, Gymnites procerus, Gymnites raphaelis, Gymnites religiosus, Gymnites robinsoni, Gymnites sankara, Gymnites subclausus, Gymnites tozeri, Gymnites tregorum, Gymnites vasantasena, Gymnites vastesellatus, Gymnites watanabei
Type specimen: Its type locality is Diliskelessi, which is in a Pelsonian/Tuvalian marine horizon in Turkey
Ecology: nektonic carnivore
• Triassic of China (1 collection), Turkey (14)
Total: 15 collections each including a single occurrence
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