Gymnites billingsi Bucher 1989 (ceratite)

Cephalopoda - Ceratitida - Gymnitidae

Full reference: H. Bucher. 1989. Lower Anisian ammonoids from the northern Humboldt Range (northwestern Nevada, USA) and their bearing upon the Lower-Middle Triassic boundary. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 82:945-1002

Belongs to Gymnites according to H. Bucher 1989

Sister taxa: Gymnites aghdarbandensis, Gymnites arthaberi, Gymnites asseretoi, Gymnites breunneri, Gymnites calli, Gymnites compressus, Gymnites depauperatus, Gymnites evolutus, Gymnites gibberulus, Gymnites humboldti, Gymnites incultus, Gymnites kirata, Gymnites machangpingensis, Gymnites mandiva, Gymnites obliquus, Gymnites palmai, Gymnites perplanus, Gymnites petilus, Gymnites procerus, Gymnites raphaelis, Gymnites religiosus, Gymnites robinsoni, Gymnites sankara, Gymnites subclausus, Gymnites toulai, Gymnites tozeri, Gymnites tregorum, Gymnites vasantasena, Gymnites vastesellatus, Gymnites watanabei

Type specimen: USNM 438364, a shell. Its type locality is Coyote Canyon HB 56, northern Humboldt Range, which is in an Aegean offshore limestone/siltstone in the Prida Formation of Nevada.

Ecology: nektonic carnivore

Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 39.8

Distribution: found only at Coyote Canyon HB 56, northern Humboldt Range

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