Insecta - Odonata - Campterophlebiidae
Synonyms: Karatawiidae Martynov 1925, Karatawiinae Martynov 1925
Full reference: A. Handlirsch. 1920. Palaeontologie. Handbuch der Entomologie 3:117-208
Parent taxon: Isophlebioidea according to A. Nel and D. Y. Huang 2020
See also Bode 1953, Carpenter 1992, Fleck and Nel 2002, Huang et al. 2018, Li et al. 2012, Martynov 1925, Nel et al. 2009, Nel et al. 2008, Nel et al. 1993, Nel and Weis 2017, Pritykina 1980, Zhang et al. 2006, Zhang et al. 2013 and Zheng et al. 2016
Sister taxa: Isophlebiidae, Kazachophlebia, Selenothemistidae
Subtaxa: Adelophlebia Amnifleckia Angaroneura Angustiphlebia Archithemis liassina Azarphlebia Bathmophlebia Bellabrunetia Campterophlebia Ctenogampsophlebia Dorsettia Gallodorsettia Gampsophlebia Honghea Hsiufua Hypsomelana Hypsophlebia Hypsothemis Junfengi Jurassophlebia Karatawia Lateophlebia Melanohypsa Olonkia Oreophlebia Oshinia Parabrunetia Parafleckium Parasinitsia Parazygokaratawia Petrophlebia Pritykinia Pternopteron Qibinlina Sagulia Sarytashia Sibirioneura Sinitsia Sinokaratawia Sogdophlebia Xanthohypsa Zygokaratawia
Ecology: fast-moving volant carnivore-insectivore
• Cretaceous of China (2 collections), the Russian Federation (2)
• Jurassic of China (10), Germany (2), Kazakhstan (3), Kyrgyzstan (8), Luxembourg (1), Mongolia (1), the Russian Federation (24), the United Kingdom (6)
Total: 59 collections including 88 occurrences