†Calyptaulax sillimani Roy 1941 (trilobite)
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Trilobita - Phacopida - Pterygometopidae
Belongs to Calyptaulax according to Roy 1941
Sister taxa: Calyptaulax angusta, Calyptaulax annulata, Calyptaulax brongniartii, Calyptaulax callicephalus, Calyptaulax callirachis, Calyptaulax cornwalli, Calyptaulax glabella, Calyptaulax holstonensis, Calyptaulax hunteri, Calyptaulax incepta, Calyptaulax norvegicus, Calyptaulax strasburgensis
Type specimen: P28719 (FMNH), a cephalon/head
Ecology: fast-moving low-level epifaunal carnivore
Distribution: found only at Silliman's Fossil Mount (Roy 1941) (Ordovician of Nunavut)
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