Calloconus coronata Perner 1903

Tergomya - Archinacellida - Metoptomatidae

Alternative combination: Palaeoscurria (Calloconus) coronata

Invalid subtaxa: Calloconus humilis Perner 1903 [replaced name], Palaeoscurria (Calloconus) humilis Perner 1903 [replaced name]

Full reference: J. Perner. 1903. Gastéropodes, Tome 1: Patellidae et Bellerophontidae 1-164

Belongs to Calloconus according to P. J. Wagner 2023

See also Horný 1963, Jhaveri 1969, Knight 1941, Perner 1903 and Ríha 1938

Sister taxa: Calloconus avus, Calloconus concentrica, Calloconus devonica, Calloconus gibbosa, Calloconus pompeckji, Calloconus recta, Palaeoscurria (Calloconus) perneri

Distribution: found only at Area between the villages of Měňany and Koněprusy (Devonian of Czech Republic)

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