Subfamily Corduliinae Selys-Longchamps 1850 (green-eyed skimmer)

Insecta - Odonata - Corduliidae

Full reference: E. Selys-Longchamps. 1850. Revue des odonates ou libellules d'Europe. Mémoires de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège 6:1-408

Parent taxon: Corduliidae according to A. Nel et al. 1996

See also Gentilini 1992, Jarzembowski and Nel 1996 and Nel and Paicheler 1994

Sister taxa: Cellulocordulia, Gomphomacromiinae, Molercordulia, Stenogomphus

Subtaxa: Cordulia Croatocordulia Epitheca Miocordulia Somatochlora

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Ecology: fast-moving volant carnivore-insectivore


• Miocene of Croatia (1 collection), France (1), Germany (1), Italy (1), United States (1: Washington)

• Oligocene of United States (1: Oregon)

Total: 6 collections including 10 occurrences

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