Cellulocordulia Riou and Nel 1995 (green-eyed skimmer)

Insecta - Odonata - Corduliidae

Full reference: B. Riou and A. Nel. 1995. Nouveaux Odonates fossiles du Miocène supérieur de l'Ardèche (Odonata: Sieblosiidae, Lestidae, Libellulidae, Corduliidae et Aeshnidae). Travaux de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études, Biologie et Évolution des Insectes 7/8:125-144

Parent taxon: Corduliidae according to B. Riou and A. Nel 1995

Sister taxa: Corduliinae, Gomphomacromiinae, Molercordulia, Stenogomphus

Subtaxa: Cellulocordulia fasciata

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Type: Cellulocordulia fasciata

Ecology: fast-moving volant carnivore-insectivore

Distribution: found only at Montagne d'Andance, Saint-Bauzile, Privas (Riou collection) (Miocene of France)

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