Balbaroo camfieldensis Flannery et al. 1982 (diprotodont marsupial)

Mammalia - Diprotodontia

Full reference: T. F. Flannery, M. Archer, and M. Plane. 1982. Middle Miocene kangaroos (Macropodoidea: Marsupialia) from three localities In Northern Australia, with a description of two new subfamilies. BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics 7(4):287-302

Belongs to Balbaroo according to L. R. S. Schwartz and D. Megirian 2004

See also Flannery et al. 1982

Sister taxa: Balbaroo fangaroo, Balbaroo gregoriensis, Balbaroo nalima

Type specimen: CPC22179, a mandible (The posterior portion of a left dentary containing M2_" but lacking most of the dentary anterior to M2, and a portion of the coronoid process.)

Ecology: scansorial omnivore

Distribution: found only at Bullock Creek (QVM) (Miocene of Australia)

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