Domatoceras ogatsuense Ehiro and Takizawa 1989 (mollusk)

Cephalopoda - Nautilida - Grypoceratidae

Full reference: M. Ehiro and F. Takizawa. 1989. Foordiceras and Domatoceras (nautiloid cephalopods) from the Upper Permian Toyoma Formation, southern Kitakami Massif, northeast Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Paleontological Society of Japan, N.S. 155:212-217

Belongs to Domatoceras according to M. Ehiro and F. Takizawa 1989

Sister taxa: Domatoceras atypicum, Domatoceras bashkiricum, Domatoceras collinsvillense, Domatoceras fredericksi, Domatoceras gigas, Domatoceras guangxiense, Domatoceras hexagonum, Domatoceras highlandense, Domatoceras hunicum, Domatoceras inostranzewi, Domatoceras latum, Domatoceras magister, Domatoceras mattoonense, Domatoceras mosquense, Domatoceras parallelum, Domatoceras planotergatum, Domatoceras podolskense, Domatoceras sterlitamakense, Domatoceras texanum, Domatoceras tulense, Domatoceras walteri, Domatoceras wortheni

Type specimen: GSJ F.12867. Its type locality is Myojin, Ogatsu Bay, which is in a Wuchiapingian deep-water shale in the Toyoma Formation of Japan.

Ecology: nektobenthic carnivore

Distribution: found only at Myojin, Ogatsu Bay

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