Cephalopoda - Nautilida - Grypoceratidae
Full reference: V. N. Shimanskiy. 1967. Kammenougol'nye Nautilida. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta 115:1-258
Belongs to Domatoceras according to V. N. Shimanskiy 1967
Sister taxa: Domatoceras atypicum, Domatoceras bashkiricum, Domatoceras collinsvillense, Domatoceras fredericksi, Domatoceras gigas, Domatoceras guangxiense, Domatoceras hexagonum, Domatoceras highlandense, Domatoceras hunicum, Domatoceras inostranzewi, Domatoceras magister, Domatoceras mattoonense, Domatoceras mosquense, Domatoceras ogatsuense, Domatoceras parallelum, Domatoceras planotergatum, Domatoceras podolskense, Domatoceras sterlitamakense, Domatoceras texanum, Domatoceras tulense, Domatoceras walteri, Domatoceras wortheni
Type specimen: PIN 1192/801, a shell. Its type locality is Zaborie quarry, Serpukhov, which is in a Pendleian marine horizon in the Steshev Formation of the Russian Federation.
Ecology: nektobenthic carnivore
Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 106.0
• Carboniferous of the Russian Federation (2 collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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