†family Bardapteridae Zalessky 1944 (insect)

Insecta - Eoblattida - Bardapteridae

Full reference: G. M. Zalessky. 1944. A representative of a new group of insects from the Permian deposits of the Urals. Compte Rendus (Doklady) de l'Académie des Sciences de l'URSS 44(8):342-344

Parent taxon: Eoblattida according to D. S. Aristov 2015

See also Aristov 2004, Carpenter 1992 and Zalessky 1944

Sister taxa: Atactophlebiidae, Babalidae, Batkentakidae, Blattogryllidae, Czekardia, Daldubidae, Doubraviidae, Elmonympha, Euryptilonidae, Iblatta, Idelinellidae, Megakhosaridae, Mesorthopteridae, Permopectinidae, Protophasmatidae, Soyanopteridae, Stenoneuridae, Archimantides, Lapparentiella, Xenogryllacris, Protoblattoidea sellardsi, Archiblattides, Balduria, Eucaenoidea, Asyncritidae, Protophasmidae, Protoblattoidea minor, Pseudoblattinopsis, Nemuropsidae, Cacurgidea

Subtaxa: Bardapteron Issadische Letopala Olgaephilus

View classification

Type: Bardapteron



• Permian of the Russian Federation (8 collections)

Total: 8 collections including 9 occurrences

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