†family Knemiceratidae Hyatt 1903 (ammonite)
Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Knemiceratidae
Alternative spelling: Knemiceratinae
Parent taxon: Engonoceratoidea according to L. G. Bulot 2010
See also El Qot 2018
Sister taxa: none
Subtaxa: Glottoceras Hypengonoceras Knemiceras Parengonoceras Platiknemiceras
Type: Knemiceras
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
• Cretaceous of Ecuador (1 collection), Egypt (17), France (1), Madagascar (1), Mozambique (1), North Atlantic (1), Oman (1), Peru (24), Portugal (1), South Africa (1), Spain (1), Tunisia (22), the United Kingdom (1), United States (4: New Mexico, Texas), Venezuela (7)
Total: 84 collections including 134 occurrences