†family Maguviopseidae Shcherbakov 2011 (true bug)
Insecta - Hemiptera - Maguviopseidae
Full reference: D. E. Shcherbakov. 2011. New and little-known families of Hemiptera Cicadomorpha from the Triassic of Central Asia—early analogs of treehoppers and planthoppers. Zootaxa 2836:1-26
Parent taxon: Prosboloidea according to Y. Z. Fu and D. Y. Huang 2022
See also Shcherbakov 2011 and Szwedo 2018
Sister taxon: Prosbolidae
Subtaxa: Maguviopseinae Sacvoyageinae
• Triassic of China (1 collection), Kyrgyzstan (9)
Total: 10 collections including 40 occurrences