Trilobita - Redlichiida - Biceratopsidae
Full reference: H. J. Harrington. 1956. Olenellidae with advanced cephalic spines. Journal of Paleontology 30(1):56-61
Parent taxon: Bristoliinae according to B. S. Lieberman 1999
See also Harrington 1956, Jell and Adrain 2002, Palmer and Halley 1979, Palmer and Repina 1993, Sepkoski 2002 and Whittington et al. 1997
Sister taxa: Fremontella, Lochmanolenellus
Subtaxa: Bristolia anteros Bristolia bristolensis Bristolia colberti Bristolia fragilis Bristolia harringtoni Bristolia insolens Bristolia mohavensis
Type: Mesonacis bristolensis
Ecology: fast-moving low-level epifaunal deposit feeder
• Cambrian of Canada (2: Newfoundland, Northern Territories collections), Mexico (1), United States (40: California, Nevada)
Total: 43 collections including 64 occurrences
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