†family Proparagryllacrididae Riek 1956 (grasshopper)

Insecta - Orthoptera - Proparagryllacrididae

Full reference: E. F. Riek. 1956. A re-examination of the mecopteroid and orthopteroid fossils (Insecta) from the Triassic beds at Denmark Hill, Queensland, with descriptions of further specimens. Australian Journal of Zoology 4:98-110

Parent taxon: Oedischioidea according to A. V. Gorochov 2013

See also Carpenter 1992, Gorochov 1987, Gorochov 1995, Gorochov 2005, Riek 1976, Sharov 1968, Wappler 2000 and Wappler 2001

Sister taxa: Bintoniellidae, Mesoedischiidae, Oedischiidae, Pruvostitidae

Subtaxa: Gryllacrimima Kashgarlimahmutiinae Madygeniinae Oedischimiminae Proparagryllacridinae

View classification

Type: Proparagryllacris

Ecology: fast-moving ground dwelling herbivore


• Triassic of Australia (3 collections), Kyrgyzstan (3), Lesotho (1), South Africa (4)

• Permian of France (1), the Russian Federation (1), United States (2: Kansas, Oklahoma)

Total: 15 collections including 35 occurrences

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