Insecta - Coleoptera - Dytiscidae
Parent taxon: Dytiscidae according to C. Y. Cai et al. 2022
See also Bouchard et al. 2011, Gómez and Damgaard 2014, Nilsson 2001 and Webster 2016
Sister taxa: Angaragabus, Aubehydrinae, Colymbetinae, Copelatinae, Coptotominae, Cretodytes, Cybisterinae, Dytiscinae, Hydroporinae, Laccophilinae, Liadytiscinae, Necticus palustris, Palaeodytes, Sinoporus
Subtaxa: Agabini Agabus Ilybius
• Quaternary of Canada (1: Ontario collection), Greenland (9), Japan (12), the Russian Federation (8), Ukraine (1), the United Kingdom (9), United States (6: Colorado, Illinois, Washington)
• Pliocene of Japan (3)
• Miocene of Croatia (1), the Czech Republic (1), the Russian Federation (2)
• Oligocene of Germany (2)
• Eocene of the Russian Federation (1), the United Kingdom (2), United States (4: Colorado)
Total: 62 collections including 104 occurrences