Agabus Leach 1817 (predaceous diving beetle)

Insecta - Coleoptera - Dytiscidae

Synonym: Necticus Hope 1838

Full reference: W. E. Leach. 1817. The Zoological Miscellany; Being Descriptions of New, or Interesting Animals, Vol III 1-151

Parent taxon: Agabinae according to P. Bouchard et al. 2011

See also Carpenter 1992, Clapham 2023, LeConte 1861, Nilsson 2001, Scudder 1900 and Sharp 1882

Sister taxa: Agabini, Ilybius

Subtaxa: Agabus (Acatodes) Agabus (Agabus) Agabus (Gaurodytes) Agabus charon Agabus congeneroides Agabus corticeus Agabus florissantensis Agabus hochi Agabus latissimus Agabus lithax Agabus niedzwiedzkii Agabus parvulus Agabus perditus Agabus praelugens Agabus rathbuni Agabus reductus Agabus reitteri Agabus rottensis Agabus savagei Agabus ungeri

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• Quaternary of Canada (1: Ontario collection), Greenland (7), Japan (7), the Russian Federation (8), Ukraine (1), the United Kingdom (5), United States (5: Colorado, Illinois, Washington)

• Pliocene of Japan (1)

• Miocene of Croatia (1), the Czech Republic (1), the Russian Federation (2)

• Oligocene of Germany (2)

• Eocene of the United Kingdom (1), United States (4: Colorado)

Total: 46 collections including 68 occurrences

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