Reptilia - Pseudosuchia - Chirotheriidae
Alternative combination: Cheirotherium hercules
Belongs to Chirotherium according to F. E. Peabody 1948
See also Baird 1954, Beasley 1902, Clark and Corrance 2009, Courel and Demathieu 1976, Demathieu and Demathieu 2004, Demathieu and Haubold 1972, Gand et al. 2012, Gand et al. 2007, Girard 1846, Haubold 1971, Haubold 1974, King et al. 2005, Klein and Lucas 2021, Klein et al. 2011, Kuhn 1958, Mantell 1854 and Owen 1842
Sister taxa: Chirotherium atlensis, Chirotherium barthii, Chirotherium culmbachense, Chirotherium ferox, Chirotherium heterodactylum, Chirotherium ischigualastianum, Chirotherium ladinicus, Chirotherium mediterraneum, Chirotherium peabodyi, Chirotherium postchirotherioides, Chirotherium praeparvum, Chirotherium reiteri, Chirotherium rex, Chirotherium sickleri, Chirotherium soergeli, Chirotherium storetonense, Chirotherium swinnertoni, Chirotherium vorbachi, Quadridigitus dubius, Saurichnites leisnerianus, Saurichnites pourriaci
Type specimen: Its type locality is Tarporley, which is in a Triassic terrestrial sandstone in the United Kingdom
Ecology: carnivore
Distribution: found only at Tarporley
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