†family Gryllavidae Gorochov 1986 (grasshopper)
Insecta - Orthoptera - Gryllavidae
Full reference: A. V. Gorochov. 1986. Triasovye priyamokrylye nadsemeystva Hagloidea (Orthoptera). Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR 143:65-100
Parent taxon: Gryllavoidea according to A. V. Gorochov 1995
See also Gorochov 1986 and Marchal-Papier et al. 2000
Sister taxa: none
Subtaxa: Galliagryllavus Gryllavus Paragryllavus Zagryllavus
Type: Gryllavus
Ecology: fast-moving ground dwelling herbivore
• Triassic of France (1 collection), Kyrgyzstan (3)
Total: 4 collections including 5 occurrences