Insecta - Orthoptera - Tuphellidae
Full reference: A. V. Gorochov. 1988. The Lower and Middle Jurassic superfamily Hagloidea (Orthoptera). Paleontological Journal 22(2):50-61
Parent taxon: Hagloidea according to J. J. Gu et al. 2021
See also Gorochov 1988, Gorochov 1995, Gorochov 2005 and Marchal-Papier et al. 2000
Sister taxa: Eospilopteron, Eospilopteronidae, Haglidae, Hagloedischiidae, Haglopsis, Jurassobatea, Kevania, Mesoprophalangopsis, Neohagla, Prezottophlebiidae, Prophalangopsidae, Pseudogryllacris, Pseudohumbertiella, Tzetzenulia, Yenshania, Zalmonites
Subtaxa: Liassophyllum Paracyrtophyllitinae Tuphellinae
Type: Tuphella
Ecology: fast-moving ground dwelling herbivore
• Jurassic of China (4 collections), Kazakhstan (3), Mongolia (1), the United Kingdom (1)
• Triassic of France (1), Kyrgyzstan (3)
Total: 13 collections including 14 occurrences