Gastropoda - Euomphalina - Platyceratidae
Full reference: F. M'Coy. 1844. A synopsis of the characters of the Carboniferous limestone fossils of Ireland. 1-207
Belongs to Platyschisma according to A. Gromczakiewicz-Łomnicka 1973
See also M'Coy 1844
Sister taxa: Platyschisma ambiguum, Platyschisma applanatum, Platyschisma barrisi, Platyschisma depressa, Platyschisma depressum, Platyschisma helicoides, Platyschisma infima, Platyschisma laudoni, Platyschisma lingua, Platyschisma missouriensis, Platyschisma ovoidea, Platyschisma rotundatum, Platyschisma vitrea
Ecology: passively mobile epifaunal coprophage
Distribution: found only at Bed 3, Ostrówka Hill railroad cut, Gałęzice, Holy Cross Mountains (Carboniferous of Poland)
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