Gastropoda - Euomphalina - Platyceratidae
Alternative combination: Straparollus barrisi
Full reference: A. Winchell. 1863. Descriptions of fossils from the yellow sandstones lying beneath the “Burlington limestone” at Burlington, Iowa. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia 7:2-25
Belongs to Platyschisma according to E. L. Yochelson and B.W. Saunders 1967
See also Keyes 1889, Keyes 1890, Weller 1900 and Winchell 1863
Sister taxa: Platyschisma ambiguum, Platyschisma applanatum, Platyschisma cirroides, Platyschisma depressa, Platyschisma depressum, Platyschisma helicoides, Platyschisma infima, Platyschisma laudoni, Platyschisma lingua, Platyschisma missouriensis, Platyschisma ovoidea, Platyschisma rotundatum, Platyschisma vitrea
Ecology: passively mobile epifaunal coprophage
Distribution: found only at Prospect Hill, bluff above river south of Burlington (Devonian of Iowa)
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