†family Acrolepidae Aldinger 1937 (ray-finned fish)

Osteichthyes - Elonichthyiformes - Acrolepidae

Full reference: H. Aldinger. 1937. Permische ganoidfische aus Ostgrönland. Meddelelser om Grønland 102(3):1-392

Parent taxon: Elonichthyiformes according to A. S. Bakaev et al. 2020

See also Chrzastek 2008, Delsate et al. 2002, López-Arbarello et al. 2010 and Nelson 2006

Sister taxa: Acrolepididae, Eigiliidae, Elonichthyidae, Gonatodidae, Samarichthys, Varialepididae

Subtaxa: Acropholis Challaia Challaia cacheutensis Challaia multidentata Challaia striata Gondwanichthys Kasanilepis Mesonichthys Namaichthys Palaeostrugia Plegmolepis Progyrolepis Reticulolepis Tholonotus Watsonichthys

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• Triassic of Argentina (3 collections)

• Permian of Brazil (1), France (1), Germany (4), Greenland (4), Namibia (1), the Russian Federation (16), South Africa (6), the United Kingdom (1), United States (5: New Mexico, Texas), Uruguay (1), Zimbabwe (1)

• Carboniferous of Belgium (2), the Czech Republic (43), Namibia (2), Spain (1), the United Kingdom (31), United States (1: Scotland)

Total: 124 collections including 153 occurrences

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