Trilobita - Asaphida - Ceratopygidae
Parent taxon: Ceratopygidae according to J.-S. Bao and J.B. Jago 2000
See also Harrington and Leanza 1957, Henningsmoen 1958, Jell and Adrain 2002 and Sepkoski 2002
Sister taxa: Ajacicrepida, Asiocephalus, Boschchekulia, Ceratopyge, Charchaqia, Diceratopyge, Dichelepyge, Dipleuropyge, Haniwoides, Hedinaspis, Hunanopyge, Hysterolenus, Iwayaspidinae, Kaltykelina, Kaufmannella, Kogenium, Macropyge, Macropygella, Mansuyella, Nannopeltis, Neohedinaspis, Onychopyge, Pseudohysterolenus, Pseudoyuepingia, Tamdaspis, Tropidopyge, Yuepingioides
Subtaxa: Proceratopyge (Lopnorites) Proceratopyge (Sinoproceratopyge) Proceratopyge canadensis Proceratopyge conifrons Proceratopyge distensa Proceratopyge fenghwangensis Proceratopyge fuyangensis Proceratopyge incondita Proceratopyge longa Proceratopyge mirabilis Proceratopyge nathorsti Proceratopyge promisca Proceratopyge protracta Proceratopyge rectispinata Proceratopyge tenuita Proceratopyge truncatus Proceratopyge waergangensis Proceratopyge zhejiangensis
Type: Proceratopyge conifrons
Ecology: fast-moving low-level epifaunal carnivore
• Tremadoc of Argentina (2 collections)
• Cambrian of Australia (6), Canada (4: British Columbia, Yukon), China (66), France (1), Kazakhstan (55), Norway (2), the Russian Federation (4)
• Taoyuanian of China (32), the Russian Federation (6), South Korea (36)
Total: 214 collections including 317 occurrences
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