Trilobita - Asaphida - Ceratopygidae
Full reference: S. Peng. 1992. Upper Cambrian biostratigraphy and trilobite faunas of the Cili-Taoyuan area, northwestern Hunan, China. Memoir of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 13:1-119
Belongs to Proceratopyge according to S. Peng 1992
Sister taxa: Proceratopyge (Lopnorites), Proceratopyge (Sinoproceratopyge), Proceratopyge canadensis, Proceratopyge conifrons, Proceratopyge distensa, Proceratopyge fenghwangensis, Proceratopyge fuyangensis, Proceratopyge incondita, Proceratopyge longa, Proceratopyge mirabilis, Proceratopyge nathorsti, Proceratopyge promisca, Proceratopyge protracta, Proceratopyge rectispinata, Proceratopyge tenuita, Proceratopyge truncatus, Proceratopyge zhejiangensis
Type specimen: Its type locality is Wa'ergang, unit 12, 18, which is in a Paibian slope limestone in the Huaqiao Formation of China
Ecology: fast-moving low-level epifaunal carnivore
Distribution: found only at Wa'ergang, unit 12, 18
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