Strophomenata - Orthotetida - Schuchertellidae
Full reference: G. R. Shi and J.B. Waterhouse. 1996. Lower Permian brachiopods and molluscs from the upper Jungle Creek Formation, northern Yukon Territory, Canada. Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 424:1-241
Belongs to Arctitreta according to G. R. Shi and J.B. Waterhouse 1996
Sister taxa: Arctitreta bapensis, Arctitreta bioni, Arctitreta costellata, Arctitreta crassimurus, Arctitreta intercalata, Arctitreta kempei, Arctitreta macrocardinalis, Arctitreta pearyi, Arctitreta pelicanensis, Arctitreta percostata, Arctitreta plicatilis, Arctitreta triangularis
Type specimen: GSC 96860, a shell (conjoined shell). Its type locality is GSC 53713, Section 116H-1A, Peel River, which is in a Sakmarian marine sandstone in the Jungle Creek Formation of Canada.
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of Canada (3: Yukon collections)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence
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