Chondrichthyes - Chimaeriformes - Callorhynchidae
Alternative combinations: Chimaera (Ischyodon) egertoni, Chimaera egertoni, Ischyodon egertoni
Belongs to Ischyodus according to J. Kriwet and S. Klug 2011
See also Agassiz 1843, Agassiz 1843 and Woodward 1891
Sister taxa: Ischyodus avitus, Ischyodus beaumonti, Ischyodus bifurcatus, Ischyodus bohemicus, Ischyodus dufrenoyi, Ischyodus emarginatus, Ischyodus incisus, Ischyodus latus, Ischyodus mortoni, Ischyodus panus, Ischyodus quenstedti, Ischyodus rayhaasi, Ischyodus thurmanni, Ischyodus townsendi, Ischyodus yanschini, Ischyodus zinsmeisteri
Ecology: nektobenthic carnivore
• Jurassic of the Russian Federation (1 collection), Spain (2), the United Kingdom (1)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
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