Plekonella iniquitas Waterhouse 1967 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Rhynchonellida - Wellerellidae

Full reference: J. B. Waterhouse. 1967. Upper Permian (Tatarian) brachiopods from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 10:74-118

Belongs to Plekonella according to J. B. Waterhouse 1967

Sister taxa: Plekonella acuta, Plekonella campbelli, Plekonella multicostata, Plekonella rara, Plekonella southlandensis

Type specimen: NZGS BR1236. Its type locality is GS7358, Productus Creek (D44/f9876), which is in a Changhsingian marine limestone in the Wairaki Breccia Formation of New Zealand.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of New Zealand (3 collections)

Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence

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