†Aphelaeceras nayongense Zheng 1984 (mollusk)
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Cephalopoda - Nautilida - Trigonoceratidae
Full reference: Z. G. Zheng. 1984. Late Permian nautiloids from western Guizhou. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 23:239-252
Belongs to Aphelaeceras according to Z. G. Zheng 1984
Sister taxa: Aphelaeceras arkansanum, Aphelaeceras falciferum
Type specimen: NIGP 34388. Its type locality is Mazhongling M20-21, Nayong County, which is in a Changhsingian carbonate limestone in the Changxing Formation of China.
Ecology: nektobenthic carnivore
Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 28.6
Distribution: found only at Mazhongling M20-21, Nayong County
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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