Insecta - Neuroptera - Nymphidae
Alternative combinations: Abia sipylus, Pterinoblattina sipylus, Sialium siphlus
Full reference: J. O. Westwood. 1854. Contributions to fossil entomology. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 10:378-396
Belongs to Sialium according to C. F. Shi et al. 2015
See also Giebel 1856, Handlirsch 1906, Jepson et al. 2012, Martynova 1949, Scudder 1886 and Westwood 1854
Sister taxon: Sialium sinicus
Type specimen: NHM Pal.I.13951, a hindwing. Its type locality is Durlston Bay, Lower Purbeck, Swanage (Brodie coll.), which is in a Berriasian lagoonal/restricted shallow subtidal limestone in the Lulworth Formation of the United Kingdom.
Distribution: found only at Durlston Bay, Lower Purbeck, Swanage (Brodie coll.)
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