Calymene Brongniart 1822 (trilobite)

Trilobita - Phacopida - Calymenidae

Alternative spelling: Calymmene

Parent taxon: Calymeninae according to J. M. Adrain and G. D. Edgecombe 1997

See also Adrain et al. 1995, M'Coy 1849, Raymond 1916, Sepkoski 2002, Shirley 1936, Turvey and Siveter 2007 and Warburg 1925

Sister taxa: Alcymene, Arcticalymene, Atlanticalymene, Diacalymene

Subtaxa: Calymene (Calymene) Calymene ansensis Calymene barnesi Calymene blumenbachii Calymene breviceps Calymene bufo Calymene callicephala Calymene celebra Calymene conradi Calymene frontosa Calymene gamachei Calymene granulosa Calymene hadyardensis Calymene latifrons Calymene latigenata Calymene marginata Calymene mimaspera Calymene minimarginata Calymene nasuta Calymene niagarensis Calymene nowlani Calymene orthomarginata Calymene polgari Calymene pompeckji Calymene retrorsa Calymene ubitquitosus

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Type: Phacops latifrons

Ecology: nektobenthic carnivore


• Devonian of Australia (6 collections), Bolivia (1), China (1), France (3), Kazakhstan (1), New Zealand (1), United States (1: Nevada)

• Whitwellian of Canada (4: Northwest Territories)

• Jaani of Estonia (8), Latvia (1), Lithuania (4)

• Niagaran of United States (1: Indiana)

• Silurian to Devonian of Argentina (1)

• Silurian of Argentina (6), Belarus (4), Canada (106: Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Ontario, Quebec), China (1), the Czech Republic (3), Estonia (15), Greenland (2), India (1), Ireland (1), Latvia (7), Lithuania (8), Norway (4), Paraguay (2), Poland (5), the Russian Federation (5), Sweden (16), Ukraine (19), the United Kingdom (44), United States (119: Alaska, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, New York, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin)

• Dobrotivian of France (2)

• Ordovician of Canada (14: Nunavut, Ontario, Quebec, Québec), China (3), Norway (1), Sweden (1), United States (7: Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Tennessee, Virginia)

• Tremadoc of China (1)

Total: 430 collections including 463 occurrences

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