Rhynchonellata - Spiriferida - Spiriferidae
Full reference: N. Fantini Sestini. 1965. Permian fossils of the Shaksgam Valley. Italian Expeditions to the Karakorum (K2) and Hindu Kush. IV - Paleontology-Zoology-Botany 149-218
Belongs to Purdonella according to N. Fantini Sestini 1965
Sister taxa: Purdonella malingensis, Purdonella markovskii, Purdonella nikitini, Purdonella sadai, Purdonella semiovalis, Purdonella soderberghi, Purdonella tschernyschewiformis, Spirifer (Purdonella) conformis, Spirifer (Purdonella) limitaris
Type specimen: MPUM P1871. Its type locality is Camp Staghar glacier front, which is in a Roadian open shallow subtidal limestone in the Shaksgam Formation of China.
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at Camp Staghar glacier front
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