†family Regiatidae Gorochov 1995 (grasshopper)

Insecta - Orthoptera - Regiatidae

Full reference: A. V. Gorochov. 1995. O sisteme i evolyutsii otryada pryamokrylykh (Orthoptera). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 74:39-44

Parent taxon: Dzhajloutshelloidea according to A. V. Gorochov 2005

Sister taxon: Dzhajloutshellidae

Subtaxa: Micromacula Protochaeta Regiata

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Type: Regiata

Ecology: fast-moving ground dwelling grazer-herbivore


• Jurassic of Germany (2 collections), the United Kingdom (2)

Total: 4 collections including 7 occurrences

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