Insecta - Coleoptera - Nemonychidae
Alternative combination: Distenorrhinus xavieri
Full reference: V. V. Zherikhin and V. G. Gratshev. 2003. A new weevil-beetle (Insecta, Coleoptera, Nemonychidae) from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain. Paleontological Journal 37:407-408
Belongs to Distenorrhinus (Parabrenthorrhinus) according to A. A. Legalov 2015
See also Gratshev and Legalov 2014, Legalov 2012 and Zherikhin and Gratshev 2003
Sister taxon: Distenorrhinus (Parabrenthorrhinus) sinuatipes
Type specimen: LH-17330, an exoskeleton. Its type locality is Las Hoyas (MCCM collection), which is in a Barremian lacustrine - large limestone/packstone in the La Huérguina Formation of Spain.
Distribution: found only at Las Hoyas (MCCM collection)
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